By Our New Editor: Jasmine Stark
This is the sixth month of the Monroe Matters Newspaper and my first edition at Editor and I think that now is the perfect time to share with our readers what we are all about.
The mission that guides us:
We aim to report local news from a human level. Taking a deeper dive into stories by exploring the lives and viewpoints of the people involved with fairness and compassion.
The way a lot of mainstream news is reported seems to take the humanity out of the stories, airing out the dirtiest laundry that can be found and using misleading or sensationalized headlines to catch people’s attention and stoke fear and hatred.
We want to be different.
Instead of dehuminizing the people involved in our stories and presenting them as characatures, we want to dig deeper and present them as they are. Humans with dreams, and goals, and emotions.
Not a single one of us is perfect as much as we may try, and we don’t want to make anyone feel targetted or misrepresented for the sake of ratings or sales.
All we want to do is keep our readers informed about the stories and the news in Monroe county that really matter.
The vission that inspires us:
We strive to be the most trusted news source in Monroe county for local news that matters.
We know that trust must be earned which is why we always ask these three questions as we compile our stories and headlines.
1. Is the story accurate and honest?
2. Is the story balanced and unbiased?
3. Why does this story matter?
We hope that by continually asking ourselves these questions, we can ensure that we provied you, our readers, with local news stories that are factual, fair, and important to you.
The values that unite us:
Here at Monroe Matters, we value fairness, compassion, balanced and factual reporting, positivity, solutions, and community.
If you value the same things and wish to see more of what we aim to offer, please support us in whatever ways you can.
Ways you can support:
Read our paper online at monroematters.com/category/e-edition/ or pick up a copy from one of our conveniently located news stands listed on our facebook page. Direct to door subscriptions coming soon.
Tell your friends and family about us and what we aim to achieve.
Share your stories with us. If you think you have a story that would be good for our paper, reach out to us at [email protected].
Write for us! If you’re interested in writing for us, we could always use some more talented reporters. Email our edditor at [email protected].
Advertise with us! If you have a business or pruduct that you would like to advertise to our readers, give us a call at 478-394-4545 to discuss our many advertising options.